Extra Learning Support
New Arrivals Program
In 2024, our New Arrivals program has finally commenced, with Ms Weiss an experienced EAL teacher organising and running the new program.
This small group EAL program caters for students who have recently arrived from overseas, with little or no English language skills.
There are three groups of children in the program, Preps, Grade1/2 and Grades 3-6. Each group has 3 sessions per week of intensive English instruction.

Literacy Intervention
Using Tutor Learning funds, our school runs a specialised small group program for students who need extra support in their literacy development.
The program runs several times a week - focussing on specific areas of need for each group.
The program run by our literacy specialist Ms Highett who has many years of experience in individual and small group literacy tutoring
Numeracy Intervention
Using Tutor Learning funds, our school runs a specialised small group program for students who need extra support in their numeracy development.
The program runs several times a week - focussing on specific areas of need for each group.
The program run by our numeracy specialist Ms Somers who has many years of experience in teaching and leading numeracy programs, including consulting across the state for the Mathematic Association of Victoria.